“It is now over eight weeks since the Law Clinic had to move to remote working when the University buildings all closed. I have been so impressed how our team of staff and students have coped with this new way of working. We are all presented with different challenges, but we have kept pace with ongoing cases, taken on new cases, and kept our IAC’s and Online services going.
“Our group of IAC volunteer solicitors and students have very quickly adapted to helping people by phone or videoconferencing. It is of course very different from seeing people in person but at least we can still give advice and guidance which can go a long way to help those facing difficult legal problems. We had no shortage of volunteer solicitors willing to offer this service remotely and we are so grateful to them all for their time and commitment to the Law Clinic.
“In the coming weeks we will be trying to ensure our website is populated with more useful advice and guidance on the issues faced by many of our clients and re-assure people that we are still operating and can continue to provide advice and representation.
“In the midst of the challenges for the Law Clinic and its clients posed by the Coronavirus pandemic our volunteer students have also had to cope with a new way of sitting exams, completing assignments and for many finishing their years at University with no way to get together with their course mates and other friends to mark the end of several years hard work. Summer graduations have also been cancelled which Diane and I will particularly miss. We will just have to find another way to celebrate our student’s achievements before or after lockdown and they deserve an extra special congratulations in the circumstances.
“So many people have suffered in different ways, from the effects of Coronavirus and our thoughts and best wishes go to those suffering from ill health or the effects of lock down.
“We have no information as to when we will be back in our offices in George Street but as soon as we are, we will let everyone know.
“Some good news for the Clinic is that our IAC team, led by Rebecca Farquhar and assisted by her deputies Chloe Morgan and Karen Yuill were shortlisted for ‘Best Contribution by a Team of Students’ in the LawWorks and Attorney General Student Pro Bono Awards 2020. It is fantastic to be shortlisted amongst so much stiff competition and we wish them the best of luck in the awards.
“Emelia Conner who runs our Prisons project won the StrathUnion Star Award for ‘Community Project of the Year’ for her work as project co-ordinator. A very well deserved award for Emelia who brings so much enthusiasm and commitment to this project.
Take care and keep safe.”
Kate Laverty
Law Clinic Director
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