The resources on this page aim to assist SSSC workers who are subject to a fitness to practice investigation. They are intended as a general overview of the process. The information provided here is general advice only and each worker’s situation will have specific circumstances. We recommend that you seek legal advice alongside reading these slides.
We suggest that you read the slides in the order listed on this webpage as that will give you an overview of the whole process. If you would like to access the links contained in the PDF, download the file by clicking the link below each slide.
2. Who are the SSSC and what do they do?
3. What is Fitness to Practice?
4. The Fitness to Practice Process
5. Insight and the Personal Statement Form
6. Sanctions
7. Temporary Orders
8. Temporary Order Hearings
9. Suspension Order
10. Registration Conditions
11. Before a Fitness to Practice Impairment Hearing – The Case Management Meeting (CMM)
12. Fitness to Practice Impairment Hearings – The 3 Stages
13. Fitness to Practice Impairment Hearings – Evidence
14. Fitness to Practice Impairment Hearings – Appealing the Decision
15. Hearings Information
This work was supported by the Alumni Fund of the University of Strathclyde to whom we are very grateful.