Reflections on the Law Clinic Ten Year Event (February 2014)


For our Law Clinic, turning ten years old is a milestone, and it certainly merited the celebration that it received – with a lovely evening spent with alumni, supporters, and current members of the Clinic. However, the true cause of celebration on the evening wasn’t what the Clinic had achieved for itself; but what it had achieved on behalf of others.

Of our 1200 recorded cases (not including the work of the evening initial advice sessions), we have secured success for at least of 93% of our clients. It is very easy to lose the sense of enormity of this achievement in a sea of statistics – but each of these clients represents someone who would have slipped through the net and likely received nothing, but for the help of the Clinic. However, the Law Clinic could never pretend that so much could be done without the enormous web of support it receives. From within, our supervisors, administrator and director work tirelessly to realise the Clinic’s ambition.  Externally, our donors, supporters and friends provide the vital money, time and assistance without which we could not function. We have the enormous fortune to be part of a supportive University at all levels – and, for all involved, this is enormously heartening.

In our Tenth Year, we have already achieved so much, and we now move into our second decade with the momentum to continue to make, with support, whatever difference we can.

Jacob Hay (Communications Officer) and Helen Donnelly (Student Director)