The Law Clinic is sad to announce that its founder and director, Professor Donald Nicolson OBE, will be leaving us in the coming months to take up a role at the University of Essex Law Clinic.
Donald joined Strathclyde in 2000, having previously taught law at the Universities of Cape Town, Warwick, Reading and Bristol, where he set up the University of Bristol Law Clinic. In 2003, he would set the ball rolling on what would become the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic, where over the years he would work tirelessly alongside students and staff to transform a grand ambition conceived of whilst sitting on the grass outside the Lord Hope building into a practical reality that serves hundreds of clients a year.
Over the course of nearly 15 years, Law Clinic students have benefitted from Donald’s faith in student involvement which has allowed remarkable results with a relatively limited budget. Donald leaves the Clinic with a sophisticated infrastructure that will allow it to carry on providing an extraordinary level of service in ever more innovative ways.
Donald remarked:
“I am extremely proud of the Clinic, but also extremely grateful to all the students, staff and supporters whose enthusiasm, initiative and dedication have ensured that the Clinic has been by far the greatest achievement of my professional career. I thank you all and hope that we will keep in touch once I leave Strathclyde in a few months.”
Kate Laverty, Deputy Law Clinic Director added:
“Donald leaving will be a change that is felt all through the Clinic. His experience in Law Clinics in the UK and in South Africa have made him the driving force behind the Law Clinic. He brings out the best in our student volunteers: entrusting them with positions of responsibility which allow the Clinic to benefit most from their volunteerist spirit. Beyond all else, Donald has been a great friend to many in the Clinic, and we sincerely hope that he will be no stranger!”