In January, we welcomed a team from Weightmans to provide training on Employment Tribunal advocacy. Paman Singh and his colleagues, Morag Dalziel, Erin Moncur and Zoe Kerr, put together a highly interactive session where they shared their knowledge and expertise. Our student advisors were also given the opportunity to practice examination-in-chief and cross-examination.
The Weightman’s team shared many top tips on best representing clients in tribunals and presenting the advisors with the challenging task of preparing to examine a witness in 15 minutes!
At Strathclyde Law Clinic, a large proportion of our cases revolve around employment law, and our student advisors often represent clients at tribunals during their time at the clinic. Training opportunities such as this are highly beneficial for our student advisors to hone their skills in advocacy to better represent our clients, helping us achieve our goal of improving access to justice.
“As I’m sure everyone who attended will agree, the training was a great, interactive session that will definitely be useful to advisors attending hearings in the future. A huge thank you to everyone involved!”
Anna Gren