April Newsletter

Case work updates

April is always a slow month at the Strathclyde Law Clinic. Our clinic is almost entirely student run, which unfortunately means that April clashes with two major events: the Easter holidays and dreaded exams. With events slightly slowing down, our advisors showed no sign of stopping their case work. Here are some of things our advisors got up to this month…

  • Two of our students attended a preliminary hearing on Monday.
  • Two advisors achieved a good outcome for a temporary suspension order review, it will now go to a full fitness to practice hearing.
  • One of our advisors has now settled an Employment Appeal Case.
  • Two of our students only half a day left of a 5 day Employment Tribunal.
  • Many of our advisors are working on challenging cases at the moment.

Executive Committee 2024/2025

2024-2025 Executive Committee

We are excited to announce the new executive committee for 2024/25! Thank you so much to everyone who applied and interviewed, and an extra well done to those who have been appointed.

Student Directors: Natalie Marshall, Corey Beaton and Gordon Gow 

Firm Co-ordinators: Adam Crainie, Afton Cook, Ava Ferguson, Nikki Munro and Anna Gren

Communications Officer: Abbie Clark

Depute Communications Officers: Allana Williams and Emma Campbell 

Training Officers: Callum Butterworth and Jessica Jayan 

EDI Officer: Abby MacKay

IAC Co-ordinators: Lauren Weetman and Scott Gillanders

IAC Depute Co-ordinators: Harbani Kaur Kohli

Online Co-ordinator: Hannah Stewart

Online Depute Co-ordinator: Megan Buggy 

SWRC Co-ordinator: Heather Dickson 

TAP Co-ordinator: Saeed Azodazad 


Mediation Clinic Training

An important aspect of access to justice is looking for other possible solutions for our clients. Sometimes this can involve exploring the option of mediation as a means to avoid court action if possible. In spirit of this a few of our student advisors attended a mediation training run by the Strathclyde mediation clinic on the 25th April.

This event was facilitated by Charlie Irvine, and allowed us the opportunity to watch a mediation in action. Charlie also highlighted key aspects of mediation and the differing tactics that could be used in critical moments. Both Elise Schwarz and Alan Jeffrey did an exemplary job as co-mediators, and I for one found this experience to be highly educational. This has been particularly useful for our first year Clinical LLB students who undertake advocacy and mediation seminars, and will be assessed on either advocacy or mediation during exam season.

A huge thank you must go to the parties involved, Charlie Irvine, Elise Schwarz, and Alan Jeffrey. Your demonstration was highly commendable and goes a long way in helping our student advisors provide more effective legal advice.

Upcoming SULCN Conference

This year Strathclyde Law Clinic will be hosting the annual SULCN conference! This year’s event will include a workshop on teamwork and representation, panel discussion and a key note speech by Employment Tribunal Judge David Holey.

Strathclyde Law Clinic is a member of the Scottish University Law Clinic Network (SULCN). SUCLN is an initiative that brings together and raises awareness of student law clinics in Scotland. The SULCN conference serves the purpose of strengthening links between clinics and learn lessons from one another to best serve our combined purpose of access to justice.

The conference will be held on 20th May at 2-5pm, tickets are available at the following link: https://www.trybooking.com/uk/DJBA. If you have any further questions please direct them to our SULCN Representative Holly Cherry at holly.cherry.2021@uni.strath.ac.uk.

Advisor / Alumni News

Paman Singh

It is always particularly wonderful to see how far our previous student advisors have gone, taking with them values of equality and access to justice. Paman Singh, now a solicitor advocate and principal associate at Weightmans, previously worked in the law clinic as both a student advisor and external communications officer. He is a dual accredited specialist in both discrimination and employment law, the quickest ever to achieve this accreditation. To add to his particurlarly impressive accolades, Paman has been sworn in as a Judge of the Sikh Court at the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn in England.

The Sikh Court is a new option for Alternative Dispute Resolution to help those in the Sikh community resolve disputes. This will help combat one of the chief complaints with ADR, the waiting times involved in the system.

Harbani Kohli

One of our advisors, Harbani Kohli represented Strathclyde University at the Semi Final & Final of the Principal Sheriff’s Moot hosted by the Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow. The moots were held against City of Glasgow College and Glasgow Caledonian University, judged by Sheriff Brian Mohan and Sheriff Principal Anwar. Harbani Kohli and her co-mooter won the overall moot progressing to the final stage where they won the final! Huge congratulations to Harbani for her hardwork and excellent mooting skills.

“All participating mooters had incredible arguments and I am delighted to have progressed to the Final alongside my partner. I had a fascinating conversation with the organisers and Sheriff Brian Mohan about his early days in practice and his unanticipated career as a Sheriff. It made me realise that unexpected opportunities can change the trajectory of our goals!”

Harbani Kohli

Eva Ralston

On Thursday 28th March myself and three Strathclyde Spanish Students participated in the annual spanish debate against the University of Glasgow! It was an honour to be selected to represent the University at this year’s event. The topic was on the use of AI in University and the challenges and opportunities it offers. The Strathclyde team comprised two final year students and two third year students, all with a commendable level of spanish language. It was an exciting and competitive evening, with a panel of three external judges, all of whom are at the top of the linguistic game! The debate went back and fourth between Strathclyde and Glasgow, where we argued various points of view using statistics and academia. This was following weeks and months of meetings and research, all of which extra-curricular, in between exam and assignment time! Glasgow conveyed some compelling arguments and a really high level of language but, ultimately, it was the competitive edge of team Strath that got the win!  It was a really interesting event and the first time I had participated in a debate in Spanish and it undoubtedly allowed me to further develop my confidence and public speaking skills in a second-language, especially on a topic that is very relevant and somewhat controversial. I managed to include some legal points of view that definitely contribute to the win! I’m delighted that our hard work paid off and it was a lovely way to round off my final semester at University.

March Newsletter

Case updates:

This has been a busy month for casework. Well done to all of our Student Advisors involved in cases at the moment, and thank you for your hard work! Here are some things our advisors have achieved this month…

  • Retrieved a deposit that was not placed in an approved scheme.
  • Represented a client in an Employment Tribunal, which lasted for three days.
  • Achieved an excellent settlement for a client.
  • Completed their first ever representation at a Preliminary Hearing.
  • Took on an SSSC fitness to practice case, which was dropped by the panel as a result.
  • Completed a difficult ET1 form and agenda.
  • One of our advisors was told on Friday that a housing hearing was going ahead on Monday, and managed to prepare to represent in that short space of time. This is no easy feat, particularly given the hectic time of the academic year.  

Events and Training

International Women’s Day Event

On March 6th, the Strathclyde Law Clinic held an International Women’s Day event in partnership with the Scottish Women’s Rights Centre and Just Right Scotland. The event was spearheaded by project supervisor Amy Woodcook, and it celebrated the contributions of women in law, emphasizing the need for further advancements. Highlights included speeches from female legal professionals, the introduction of the FollowIt app by Nicola Mooney for aiding stalking survivors, and insightful talks by Hannah Fergusson and Rebecca Coltart on the importance of empathy and communication in legal support for survivors. The event, opened by Clinic director Kate Laverty, also featured a special appearance by The Right Honourable Lady Sarah Wolffe KC, who shared her experiences and reflections on women’s evolving roles in law.

To hear more about the event check out our Instagram or other articles on the topic at https://www.lawclinic.org.uk/updates/international-womens-day-at-strathclyde-law-clinic or https://www.justrightscotland.org.uk/2024/03/empowering-women-in-law-insights-from-our-investher-event/.

SSSC Training

Recently, we had a fantastic session on SSSC fitness to practice hearings by Tom Miller, a senior solicitor at the Scottish Social Services Council.

Thank you so much to Tom for coming in to provide training. This was an extremely insightful session which I am sure will serve our advisors well on future cases.

Training is invaluable for our student advisors, allowing us to grow and be able to provide better, more effective services to members of the public. Sessions such as these help achieve our mission of access to justice.

Advisor News:


It has been an extremely busy period for our honours year students. They have recently handed in their dissertations. A huge congratulations must go to all our advisors writing dissertations! Many of our student advisors completing dissertations balance, the Law Clinic, having executive committee positions, jobs and more! You have all done an incredible job and put in an impressive amount of hard work.

Exam Season

With assignment season (just about) completed, our Student Advisors are now busy preparing for final exams. We want to take this opportunity to wish you all the best of luck!

Law Ball

We also just want to take this opportunity thank the Law Society for their hard work in organising this year’s Law Ball which took place on the 22nd March 2023, and was enjoyed by many of our members!

Other News:


As we enter the month of Ramadan it is important to be considerate of Muslim students and colleagues.

The University of Strathclyde has four prayer spaces on campus with the following facilities:

  1. St Paul’s Building, Basement Level 2 Martha Street, Glasgow G1 1BX – sisters prayear room, brothers prayer room, separate brothers and sisters kitchen, separate brothers and sisters wudhu area, socialising area, sisters study area, Qurans and Islamic books, prayer mats, prayer fresses for sisters.
  2. Andersonian library reflection room, entrance level, opposite to Starbucks – prayer room separated by a curtain, prayer mats, Qurans and Islamic books, prayer dresses for sisters, chairs.
  3. Student union reflection room, Level 2 near the stairs (ask reception for help to find the location if needed) – lockable prayer room, chair with a table.
  4. Graham Hills reflection room – main entrance level (George Street) opposite to doors – prayer room, prayer mats, Quarans and Islamic books, prayer dresses for sisters.

For further information or support please get in contact with Strathclyde University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA) at https://www.strathunion.com/groups/find-a-society/society/sumsa/ or the University Chaplaincy service at https://www.strath.ac.uk/studywithus/ourcampus/whatsoncampus/faithspiritualitysupport/meetourchaplains/.

Linkedin Alumni Group:

This month our alumni group launched on Linkedin. This group is for our alumni to connect with current advisors and each other, reminisce on old memories, provide advice and explore further opportunities to volunteer.

You can check this out on our Linkedin via requesting to join with the following link – https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13001246.

Exam Top Tips

Whilst the Easter weekend is a time to indulge in chocolate, for Strathclyde law students, it also means the impending exams. To help students prepare for these exams, the Comms team have shared some exam tips to help them get through the final academic push.
  1. The relative test – Legal concepts can be extremely complex. To ensure that you have truly understood them, try explaining them to someone who isn’t well-versed in law. A relative or roommate will tend to ask questions. If you can answer these, you truly understand the concepts.
  2. Focusing revision – Examiners are looking for critical analysis, and thus, in essay questions, the papers tend to be focused on specific academic debates in that area of law. Look through your notes for these points of debate as these will likely come up.
  3. Definitions and spelling – Learn key definitions and spelling! Key terminology is very important which can be very difficult with Latin or similar words. No one wants to mess up in involuntary obligations because they can’t remember how to spell rescission, and they got mixed up with all the judicial remedies!
  4. Read the questions properly!  – Missing out key bits of exam questions will harm your grades. Wise words from a teacher I once had – don’t do anything for the first minute of your exam, take a breather and then read over the questions slowly and dissect it. If you follow this method, it becomes much harder to misread the question.
  5. Stay in good health – This applies to both your physical and mental health. Ensure you are sleeping enough, try not to pull too many all-nighters and stay away from caffeine as much as possible. Exams are necessary but not as important as your heart health. Ensure you aren’t neglecting your body: drink water, staying hydrated can aid in memory retention, and make sure to eat enough. Try to carry on exercising, even if you can’t complete an entire gym session or workout something as simple as 5-10 minutes of yoga can greatly aid your mental health.
  6. Know when to stop – As much as you may have seen the infamous Kay Chung’s all-nighter TikToks, sometimes knowing when to stop is just as important as all your revision. Working yourself into a pit of fatigue will not help with your exams, so remember to take breaks. My favourite way to do this is via the Pomodoro method, where you work for around 25 minutes and take a 5-minute break. As a chronic fidgeter, this can be very helpful in maintaining focus.
  7. Try not to become a hermit – Talk to friends, go out and engage in activities. Anything from a coffee break to a sports practice. Remember, you have a life outside of law school, and keeping it up even with exams helps you not to burn out.

Endometriosis Awareness Month by Sophie Christie

In light of our International Women’s Day event earlier this month, I find myself empowered to shed light on a prevalent but often misunderstood health condition affecting millions of women across the UK: Endometriosis. 

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a chronic and often debilitating condition affecting millions of women worldwide, with a significant impact on their quality of life. It occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the womb, commonly affecting the ovaries, fallopian tubes, the lining the pelvis, as well as other organs in the body. This misplaced tissue responds to the menstrual cycle in the same way as the tissue inside the uterus, causing inflammation, pain, and the formation of scar tissue.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The symptoms of endometriosis can vary widely among individuals but most commonly include chronic pelvic pain, painful periods (dysmenorrhea), heavy menstrual bleeding, increased urination, fatigue, and infertility.  In the UK, it is estimated that around 1.5 million women are currently living with this condition, with an average diagnosis time of 7.5 years from the onset of symptoms. However, these symptoms are often mistaken for other conditions, leading to further delays in diagnosis.

As a law student, I understand firsthand that managing the symptoms of endometriosis whilst balancing academic responsibilities can be incredibly challenging. The unpredictable nature of the condition, with flare-ups and periods of intense pain, can disrupt study schedules and impact overall academic/work performance.

Navigating Treatment Options

It is important to understand that there is currently no cure for endometriosis. Any treatment provided will aim to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. This can include pain management through medication, hormone therapy to regulate the menstrual cycle, and surgery to remove endometrial tissue and scar tissue. However, finding the right treatment approach can be a complex process, requiring careful consideration of individual symptoms and preferences, and often comes with its own array of horrible side effects. 

As a student, I understand that managing appointments, referrals, and treatment plans while juggling academic commitments can be daunting and difficult to say the least. This is why it is essential to communicate your condition to your workplace or educational institution, which will enable them to provide you with the necessary support tailored to your needs.

Raising Awareness and Stopping the Stigma

For generations, there has been an enduring stigma surrounding discussions of women’s healthcare, which has often been dismissed as a ‘gross’ and taboo topic. This societal perception has contributed to a culture of silence and discomfort surrounding important issues such as menstrual health, reproductive care, and gynaecological concerns. Therefore, it is crucial to break this cycle of stigma and encourage open dialogue about women’s health. By normalising conversations about these topics, we not only empower women to take control of their own health but also create a supportive environment where individuals feel comfortable seeking the information, support, and resources they require. Moreover, by sharing our own experiences and speaking up about women’s healthcare, we can help dismantle outdated stereotypes and pave the way for greater awareness, education, and advocacy for women’s health issues. On a final note, it is important to remember that women’s health concerns, including those related to reproductive health, are normal bodily functions, and considering this any differently would be equivalent to stigmatising other innate aspects of human biology.

For more information visit – https://www.endometriosis-uk.org

IWD 2024: ‘Reflecting on a trail of milestones’

by Corey Beaton (EDI Officer)

When we consider the gender balance of our lecture halls, it is hard to imagine a time when women were not permitted to study the law, nor indeed to go on and practice it, yet it has only been just over a century since Parliament removed the legal barriers to a woman’s ability to practice through the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919.

Prior to this, though, the courts upheld the rule that a woman was not entitled to practice, not on the basis of her qualifications nor aptitude, but solely of her gender. The case of Hall v Incorporated Society of Law-Agents (1901) 3 F 1059, which challenged the wording and intention of the Law Agents Act 1873 through statutory interpretation, is but one of innumerable examples of this practice. Here, with no explicit inclusion or exclusion of women in the 1873 Act, and in spite of the fact that only men had been admitted as lawyers, the court ruled that a woman was not a ‘person’ for the purposes of the Act.

What we thankfully see nowadays is the polar opposite of what we would expect to see if we were to walk the halls of an early twentieth century university, or indeed a law firm or court building. In Scotland, both our Law Officers are women, the second-most senior judge of the Court of Session is a woman, two-thirds of law students are women, 70% of legal trainees are women, and perhaps a bit closer to home, all of the Law Clinic’s staff and student directors are women.

It is a reasonable assumption that none of these women would say that it has been an easy process for them to attain the positions they now hold. Who would, when we consider the societal and institutional barriers which women continue to face in our profession?

While almost 60% of our profession consists of female lawyers, only one large-scale Scottish law firm has a majority of female partners. At a societal level, figures continue to suggest that one in three women will experience a sexual assault in their lifetime. In the wake of newly-released data which indicates an uptick in sexual crime in the past year – that is to say, those crimes which have been reported – this ratio is only likely to increase unless something meaningful is done about it.

In response, what we are now seeing in the Scottish Parliament is a debate over a long-awaited Bill which is designed to return to victim-survivors of sexual offences the agency which many have long since lost following their assaults, the ability to effectively represent themselves in section 275 hearings, and the empowerment to give their best evidence in court with the support of various vital special measures.

Only today did we learn that victim-survivors will soon be able to access a copy of their court transcripts from their rape trials for free. One campaigner for this change shared her experiences of having to crowdfund to pay for access to her transcript in order to combat an appeal lodged by her convicted rapist against his sentence.

We can no longer look at the experiences and treatment of women at the hand of the law in a vacuum; only by recognising and acting to defeat the intersectional, institutional barriers which women and girls across Scotland face can we truly take meaningful strides towards an equitable and just society which no longer puts walls up against a woman’s ability to thrive, but instead breaks them down.

We are, after all, a nation of firsts: the first practicing lawyer as Madge Easton Anderson was, the first woman called to the Scottish Bar as Margaret Kidd KC was, the first woman appointed as a Senator of the College of Justice as the Rt Hon Lady Cosgrove CBE was, and the first woman appointed as Solicitor General and Lord Advocate as Dame Elish Angiolini KC was. Our legal system is peppered with women who overcame the odds which were stacked against them to rise to the positions they all held.

As Lady Cosgrove once said in a speech to law students at Strathclyde,

“The public must have confidence that its legal system is representative of and has the ability to respond to and deal with the needs and problems of all of its citizens. A profession which is not truly representative of all of its citizens cannot enjoy that confidence. The increasing presence of women in the profession will, I believe, be a positive force.”

Lady Cosgrove

You know as well as I do that Her Ladyship’s words are truer now more than ever. The law is certainly not short of female role models, and I would encourage any woman reading this to remember the role they can play as someone else’s role model.

Employment Advocacy Training with Weightmans

In January, we welcomed a team from Weightmans to provide training on Employment Tribunal advocacy. Paman Singh and his colleagues, Morag Dalziel, Erin Moncur and Zoe Kerr, put together a highly interactive session where they shared their knowledge and expertise. Our student advisors were also given the opportunity to practice examination-in-chief and cross-examination.

The Weightman’s team shared many top tips on best representing clients in tribunals and presenting the advisors with the challenging task of preparing to examine a witness in 15 minutes!

At Strathclyde Law Clinic, a large proportion of our cases revolve around employment law, and our student advisors often represent clients at tribunals during their time at the clinic. Training opportunities such as this are highly beneficial for our student advisors to hone their skills in advocacy to better represent our clients, helping us achieve our goal of improving access to justice.

“As I’m sure everyone who attended will agree, the training was a great, interactive session that will definitely be useful to advisors attending hearings in the future. A huge thank you to everyone involved!”

Anna Gren

University of Strathclyde Law Clinic: The Online Project

Our Online Project Manager, Francesca Pozzo, and Deputy Online Project Manager, Laura Hart, have written a blog post about our Online Project and detail how to seek assistance through our online advice service. 

What is The Online Project?

The Online Project is a free legal information and guidance service accessible through the Law Clinic website. Anyone can submit an enquiry online and will receive a response from one of our trained Student Advisors within just a few weeks. This service is intended to give some general guidance only and is ideal for people who cannot afford to consult a solicitor and cannot obtain legal aid but perhaps just need some initial guidance  regarding the legal aspects of an issue and/or an idea of their next steps towards resolution. The Online Project can help with a range of legal issues including, but not limited to, employment, housing/property, and consumer rights.

What happens when I submit an enquiry?

When we receive an enquiry, it is checked to ensure that it is suitable for an online response. Then a Student Advisor will be allocated to your case. They will apply their own knowledge and conduct research to provide some guidance in response to your query. The advice is all checked over by one of our qualified supervisors.

What will the advice include?

The response will include:

  • An explanation of the relevant law and how it applies to your issue
  • Links to any useful resources and/or services
  • Guidance on the options available and an outline of how to progress

Our dedication to increasing access to justice

This service helps to increase access to justice for those who do not have access to advice or representation. This is a valuable service notwithstanding the pandemic, but with many in lockdown and facing unprecedented circumstances, it is particularly helpful.

If you have a legal issue and would like advice, then our Online Project is here to help you – find us at:


Students and Staff take part in Annual Scottish Universities Law Clinic Network Event

Students and staff from the University of Strathclyde recently took part in the ninth annual Scottish University Law Clinic Network (SULCN) via zoom on 27 May.

(Hannah Cosgrove, one of the founding student members of SULCN and Strathclyde Law Clinic alumna)

The event, hosted online this year as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, was established in 2012 with the aim of encouraging Law Clinics across Scotland to share ideas and work together to improve access to justice.

SULCN was proud to welcome guests to a webinar led by the organizations founding student members, Eamon Keane, Hannah Cosgrove and Ryan Whelan. Throughout the event Eamon, Hannah and Ryan reflected upon their experience founding SULCN, how pro bono has affected them throughout their legal careers and how their practice has been affected as a result of the lockdown.

James Anderson, one of the student representatives attending the conference on behalf of the Strathclyde Law Clinic reflected on the event stating:

“It was fantastic that this event could be put together on short notice, continuing the relationship not only between Law Clinics but with Law Clinic alumni and The Law Society of Scotland. It’s refreshing to see that our spirit for access to justice remains undiminished despite the current circumstances.

I have been fortunate enough to attend the last three editions of the annual SULCN event and I have found the experience to be highly motivational, learning from a variety of contributors from across the Scottish access to justice community. This year was no different and it was particularly inspiring to hear from Eamon, Hannah and Ryan the three founding student members of SULCN.

Now that I am graduating from University, I will look forward to attending future SULCN Conferences as an alumni (hopefully) in person.”

Kirstie Webb, a student advisor at the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic also reflected on her experience of the event saying:

“Despite not being able to (physically) host the ninth annual SULCN conference, it was fantastic to be part of the webinar to hear from each of the founding student members of SULCN. It was both fascinating and inspiring to hear the different legal journeys of the founding members since their time at university and within SULCN. It was so encouraging to see such a large turnout to hear about the importance of pro-bono work… albeit virtually!

As my time at the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic comes to an end, I look forward to seeing the continual great work of Law Clinic’s across Scotland and the growth of SULCN.”

Please click here to find out more about SULCN, its work, members and events.

To receive monthly updates on the work completed by the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic straight to your email, please sign up here.

Working from Home Under Covid-19: A Students Perspective

Law Clinic Student Director and student advisor Kirstie Webb writes about her experience working from home under Covid-19.

(Law Clinic Student Director Kirstie Webb)

“When life as we know it changed on 23rd March, many of us had to adapt to a different way of living (and working) that we had never previously considered. As most of us adjusted to a world full of zoom meetings and make-shift working from home stations, the Law Clinic has also adapted its service to continue providing legal advice and representation to those who need it most. 

“The Coronavirus may have forced us to close our office doors at the University of Strathclyde, however, we have endeavoured to keep it business as usual with our ongoing casework and online service. Our supervising solicitors, administrators and students have been working remotely to ensure that all our client’s legal meets are met. This has included zoom client meetings, even initial client meetings for new clients, and conducting Employment Hearings remotely. Preparing for a hearing at the Employment Tribunal is challenging in itself, however our student advisor’s have taken it in their stride in conducting several Employment Tribunal hearings from home. This ability to represent our client’s in even the most uncertain times is a testament to the dedication of our student volunteers.

“A great highlight within the Law Clinic from the past six weeks is that we conducted our first remote Initial Advice Clinic (IAC) on 20 April. Before the pandemic, our IAC’s were one of the busiest parts of our service. Our IAC’s composed of two fast-paced night’s each month, where on average 20 members of the public were receiving on the spot legal advice. Whilst our first remote zoom IAC saw significantly less people, the drive of our volunteer student advisors and solicitors to hold this session is something to be celebrated.

“Despite the majority of our services still running, unfortunately, volunteers working on some of our projects have not been able to continue at this time. These projects include our Scottish Women’s Rights Centre, Criminal Convictions Unit and Prisons project. We hope that work will be able to resume on these as soon as possible.

“Reflecting on working from home from a personal perspective, I have found it difficult to adjust to my very quiet dining room and miss the buzz and chatter of our offices. This has been a particularly surreal experience as my time at university and the Law Clinic is coming to an end. When motivation is dwindling, I think it has been important to set targets both personally and professionally to what I would like to achieve during this time. And while I can’t say that my Spanish has improved to the level it should have, I think it’s equally as important to be proud of completing daily tasks and accomplishing small goals.

“At the end of the day, this is a time which we could have never predicted, and everyone is coping the best they can. What I am certain of during this global pandemic is that I am extremely proud to be part of the Law Clinic, which is still helping to provide access to justice, even in the most uncertain times.”

To receive monthly updates on the work completed by the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic straight to your email, please sign up here.

Law Clinic Supervisors attend the Biennial Conference in Indonesia

Kathleen Bolt and Gillian Melville, legal supervisors at the Strathclyde Law Clinic, had the opportunity to attend the Biennial Conference organised by the Global Alliance for Justice Education in December 2019. The following article describes their experience.

“The Biennial Conference takes place in a developing country with the aim of extending participation in discussion and debate around justice education across as many countries as possible. This year the Conference was held in Indonesia. The Alliance exists to promote justice education in a variety of ways. At its heart is a commitment to the use of clinical legal education and student participation in the delivery of legal education to achieve social justice. This is best delivered using experiential learning. The University of Strathclyde’s law clinic and Clinical LLB is a prime of example of this.

(From Left to Right, Law Clinic Supervisors Kathleen Bolt and Gillian Melville)

“The Conference involved workshops spanning 5 days with two further days training in delivering clinical legal education and street law. Delegates from all over the developing and developed world participated- sharing experience of both clinical teaching methods and initiatives and the many and varied ways in which University students and staff, local lawyers and paralegals are working together to try to deliver social justice for marginalised groups through street law and legal clinics. There were a number of presentations from students including those hosting the Conference at Pasundan University, Bandung, where 100 student volunteers looked after delegates with great hospitality and care; many involved in street law projects with young people with disabilities, sex workers, elderly women involved in recycling plastic, an eco-project and people living with HIV and drug addictions. 

“The Conference highlighted the nature of the social justice issues faced across the world, including gender-based violence, trafficking of women, detention of prisoners without trial and the needs of street children. How do we consult and involve communities in identifying the issues that are important to them, how do we tackle the disconnect between what law promises to people and what it delivers-and how do we ensure that people are aware of the rights that they even have?”

Kathleen Bolt concluded on her experience of the Conference:

“Everything we discussed could apply to any one of the communities in the countries and regions we represented in their own way. The Conference created an environment for sharing experiences and learning in a supportive and constructive way and represented all that is good about internationalism, a core value of this University.”

To receive monthly updates on the work completed by the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic straight to your email, please sign up here.