The University of Strathclyde Law Clinic is delighted to report that it has been shortlisted for four awards at the esteemed LawWorks and Attorney General Student Pro Bono Awards. This achievement is all the more impressive as it is the first time an organisation has been made a finalist in all four awards since the Law Clinic’s was first involved in 2009, and the Clinic has now been shortlisted a total of sixteen times since 2009 when the Awards were opened up to Scottish law clinics – far more than any other law clinic.
The four awards are as follows:
1. Best Contribution by an Individual Student. The subject of this nomination being Depute Student Director Jacob Hay, in recognition of his constant and tireless efforts in furthering access to justice since his first day in the Clinic in 2012, as well as the invaluable contributions he has made to the Clinic generally both as a student advisor and member of the Executive Committee. Traditionally, the hard work of individual Law Clinic members has been regularly recognised in this category, with our current Student Director Jacky Wall being the award’s latest recipient and two other Student Directors receiving this award. On learning of his nomination, Jacob commented:
‘I am delighted that the Law Works and Attorney General Awards have once again recognised the Law Clinic’s contribution to pro bono in Glasgow. To be nominated comes as a great surprise and a great privilege, as I know I am but one of the 215 students in the Clinic who are committed to closing the gap in the provision of legal support and who would all wholeheartedly deserve this nomination.’
2. Best Contribution by a Law School. The generous support of the Strathclyde Law School is greatly appreciated by the Law Clinic. The help and encouragement it provides members of the Clinic are integral to the continued success and growth of the Clinic, and by extension, the furthering of access to justice in the Greater Glasgow area. The Clinic gained this award in 2009 and is hoping for a repeat of being recognised as the best law clinic in the UK.
3. Best Contribution by a Team of Students. The concerted effort of the members of the Executive Committee has seen the Law Clinic’s capacity for widening access to justice increase considerably over the past year, having overseen the expansion of a number of new public legal education and outreach projects. The Executive Committee has previously achieved this award in 2012, which is testament to the constancy of the commitment of members as time progresses.
4. Best New Student Pro Bono Activity. In August last year, the Law Clinic piloted a new and exciting scheme with a view to widening access to legal services to individuals requiring immediate assistance as well as those who may be unable to travel to the Law Clinic to seek assistance. Spearheaded by Grant Storrar, the Online Project has now served over 50 individuals with numbers constantly rising.
We look forward to celebrating the Law Clinic’s achievements and those of other pro bono organisations on the evening of March 25th at the House of Commons.