(Caitlin Daly, Student Advisor)

In this mini-series of posts, the women of the clinic discuss the theme of ‘Break the Bias’, what this means to them, what International Women’s Day means to them, and experience they have that resonates with this year’s theme.

I am lucky to have a wide group of women in my life who all support myself and each other. I feel grateful to have a strong circle around me and I realise that not every woman has this. It is important for me to create an environment where other women feel empowered and commended for who they are and who they want to be. However, it is not just the duty of women to break this bias but the active participation of men supporting us in this endeavour goes a long way.

For me, breaking the bias means to consistently question and challenge norms that I have been brought up with. Through reflecting on International Women’s Day, I realise that I have previously accepted stereotypes and bias that was imposed on me by society. Nowadays, I actively take responsibility for being a powerful leader and role model, namely for my two younger female cousins. I hope that they feel comfortable enough to communicate their bold opinions and strong feelings and to be recognised as: assertive, headstrong and inspiring. More importantly, I hope that they will understand their capabilities and that so long as they work hard, they can achieve their greatest ambitions.

As part of breaking the bias, we should all try to understand what else we can do to make a more equal society a reality for women here today and the next generations to come.

By Caitlin Daly, Student Advisor

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