The Schools Project is the Clinic’s latest project, aiming to bring public legal education into schools and teach young people about the law and the ways in which it affects them through the use of interactive teaching methods. It is based upon the principle that people learn far better through such interactive methods than they do when they are simply lectured to. The Project is influenced by the teaching methods of Professor McQuoid-Mason who has founded and developed Street Law in South Africa.
The first presentation took place on Friday 11th November in front of a class of 26 second year pupils at Hermitage Academy in Helensburgh. The overall aim of this presentation was to teach young people about the law affecting cyberbullying as this issue had been flagged up as a current problem within the school. We also discussed the complicated relationship between law and morality and were impressed by the pupils’ ability to question aspects of the law on this level. This presentation included a debate, a mock trial and elements of role play and the pupils responded well to the interactive nature of the activities. Pupils and Law Clinic students participated with much enthusiasm, particularly during the mock trial in which the pupils performed their roles impressively.
We received positive feedback following this presentation and are now hoping to maintain good links with Hermitage Academy, hopefully returning to give further presentations. Furthermore, we are aiming to deliver presentations in Govan High School in early 2012.
If you have any queries regarding our Schools Project, please contact our Schools Project Manager, Rachel Leggett –