University law clinic helps client win payout of £40,000

The University of Strathclyde Law Clinic recently closed a case which saw its client receive a payment of £40,000.

Seven volunteer student advisor’s worked on the case in question over a period of four years, and the law clinic said it was delighted to have been able to assist the client in her dispute and to help her obtain the money she was entitled to.

Professor Donald Nicolson OBE, the Law Clinic director, said: “This is a truly fantastic result which shows the determination of our student advisor’s, and their commitment to both the cause and their client.”

This recent award is the second highest success in the law clinic’s 15 year history and brings the total amount of money won or saved for Law Clinic clients up to £580,000 across the almost 2,000 cases it has undertaken.

This academic year, the law clinic has a record-breaking cohort of 278 students, making it possibly the biggest in the UK, if not the world, and has already after only seven months taken on 186 cases, while also running evening advice clinics at which another 104 have been helped by volunteer solicitors, the majority of whom are clinic alumni.

Published by the Scottish Legal News, on 07 March 2016: