A Day In The Life Of A Summer Student

Summer Student – Rebecca Farquhar  

Every year the Law Clinic provides a group of students with the opportunity to work during the summer holidays. The Law Clinic supports clients throughout the year and it has been extremely rewarding to be able to ensure that clients continue to receive high quality support during the summer period.

As a summer student I have undertaken a variety of work and it has been an excellent opportunity to not only help clients with their legal concerns but also develop my skills in legal research. As part of the Housing Advice Under One Roof project, I have been one of the students responsible for researching the new Housing and Property Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland and creating accessible resources on how to engage with this new remedies forum. I am also the new Initial Advice Clinic project manager and have spent time over the summer developing a strategy for the year ahead.

Helping to ensure that access to justice is a reality rather than only a theory was the reason that I wanted to pursue a career in the legal sphere and I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that I have been given whilst being a member of the Law Clinic.