Every year the Law Clinic provides a group of students with the opportunity to work during the summer holidays. The Law Clinic supports clients throughout the year and it has been extremely rewarding to be able to ensure that clients continue to receive high quality support during the summer period.

“Working in the clinic over the summer has been a fantastic opportunity to help those most in need of our services. Access to Justice doesn’t stop for the summer break.
This is a time where my casework increases so that we continue to maintain the level of service that we provide throughout the academic year. Not only do we work on our cases, but we help each other when required, this leads to the sharing of cases, ideas and learnings.
Day to day working is varied as you just never know what will happen on your day, telephone calls from clients, emails from other parties or even having to help another student with their case. This is a great insight into what may await us once our studies are completed.
Cases I have worked on over the summer placement included Employment, Housing and Simple Procedure. I attended the Employment Tribunal to conclude a four day hearing, as well as a Judicial Mediation. Further, a case that has been with me for some time, is now going to Mediation in the hope that we can achieve a resolution for both parties.
I would just like to add that I would highly recommend that any students in the clinic who wish to further enhance their learnings apply for these placements as they are invaluable.”
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