The Law Clinic is delighted to announce that a special additional IAC session will take place on the 14th June 2017 to mark the bicentenary of the RFPG Library in Glasgow.
The Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow is a body which was incorporated prior to 1668 and continues to serve the needs of the legal profession in Glasgow and West Central Scotland. Providing members with access to a large law library with significant holdings, a well regarded CPD education programme, the services of an auditor and a venue in the city centre for a wide variety of events.
The Royal Faculty of Procurators also acts as a representative body for solicitors practicing in the Glasgow area.
To mark the RFPG library’s bicentenary, it will accommodate a special IAC event. Members of public who cannot afford a solicitor but who have a legal problem can attend this event to get some information to help resolve their issue. The event will be staffed by volunteer solicitors and trainee solicitors, and run from 6pm to 7.30pm.
We cannot deal with every legal issue but we do regularly deal with enquiries in the following areas:
- Consumer Protection (defective goods and services)
- Housing Issues (relating to tenancy agreements; factors and management companies)
- Small Claims (pursuing money which is owed to you or defending an action where someone is claiming against you)
- Employment Issues (claims for unfair/constructive dismissal)
If you are a solicitor and are interested in attending this session, or other IACs, please do get in touch.